Important information
Our Sunday School classes, for all ages, begin at 9:30am and our Church worship is at 10:30am.​
We do not live-stream because we want people to truly come together. We do record our adult Sunday morning class as well as the Sunday sermon.
Our video recordings are usually available by each Sunday evening on our YouTube channel for those who due to illness or travel were unable to join as well as any others near or far who are inclined to listen. May God bless His Word to His people!
We consider to every gathering special as we meet to worship, hear God's Word, pray, fellowship and give praise, thanks and glory to our sovereign saving God.
Sunday Morning
Sunday School: 9:30am
Worship Service: 10:30am
Tuesday Evening in Marshall
Bible Study/Prayer: 6:30pm
First and Third Friday each month in Carthage - Bible Study: 6:30pm
Once a month at TSTC Marshall.
Contact for more information.
Coffee & Donut fellowship @ 9:15am
Sunday School Classes @ 9:30am
Gathered Church Worship @ 10:30am
jan 5
The Lord's Supper
We will share the Lord's Supper and after worshipping together we will enjoy an AGAPE FELLOWSHIP FEAST.
We look forward to this blessed time together!
Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we my present everyone mature in Christ
Colossians 1:28